Sunday, May 1, 2011


I don't understand why Provo can't just seem to just stay sunny. It's like she (yes Provo is a girl) just likes messing with us. It's probably that time of the month again (period). Hopefully it'll be over in a couple of days.

Well Haley took me to watch Fast 5 on Friday. Not as much racing as I would hoped more shooting and ridiculousness but common that's what Americans love right?

I wasn't able to change the oil on our cars this weekend due to the unforeseen blizzard in APRIL... but I was able to change all my interior lights in the Jetta to LED's booyah.

Anatomy is a lot more fun that I thought it would be. I already have the skull and vertebrae bones all memorized just in time for our quiz tomm and then more studying for our quiz on wednesday and then MORE studying for lecture quiz at the end of the week. awesome

So a quick shout out to my little broski Enoch who's turned 16 today. We'll see how long it takes for him to get his license and start driving haha

It's actually sunny outside today so I'm going to try to take advantage of Provo's now happy behavior.

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