Sunday, May 8, 2011

Two Servings in One Day

Looks like I'm spoiling you guys with so many tidbits into my life!

First, shout out to my madre for putting up and raising me all these years and still looking out for me...

and second to every other women who has had a hand in my life raising me as well. I wouldn't have been half the person I am without all your love and support!

Second, I've decided I should start adding pictures. My blog is kind of boring.

Third, what's your excuse now Kobe? So happy that the Mavs swept the Lakers 4-0 and sends them packing. That makes my weekend.

Fourth is in case you were wondering, the fast and the furious series isn't in chronological order. It's 1,2,4,5, then Tokyo Drift.

Also my wife kindly (ya...) reminded me that she also deserves a very loud shout out for also taking care of me and will be the mother of my children in the future (very very far away future).

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