Sunday, May 15, 2011

Crazy Week

So this week was pretty crazy...

I had 2 anatomy quizzes and an anatomy test. I of course aced all of them :)

I also installed a new window regulator for the jetta to only find the next day that it stopped working! So now I have my window up with tape... ya it's really ghetto but it'll have to do until I get the replacement hopefully early this week.

The weather here in Provo is sooo spastic, seriously one day it's all sunny and the next rain and then sunny again...rediculous

Haley and I had dinner with some friends of ours on Friday and played a nice little round of croquet. We need to invest in a set along with bocce ball

Friday marked the beginning of summer for us. Sunny all day called for bike rides and snow cones you can't really beat that combo!

Hopefully there are more of those kinds of days to come

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